INTERSTELLAR Trailer Teases Return of the Good Version of Christopher Nolan

It's been easy to forget - after the (legitimate) down-marks handed him by "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" and "MAN OF STEEL" plus the (murkier) transformation of his name into a synonym for inappropriately-grim movie adaptations of... anything, really - why everybody got so excited about Christopher Nolan in the first place. Once upon a time, the "big deal" about "BATMAN BEGINS" was that a legitimately great, exciting new(ish) filmmaker was going to make a Batman movie.

This teaser for "INTERSTELLAR," though, serves as a big reminder of the other reason to be glad the Nolan Bros. are mostly getting out of the superhero business:

Show of hands on who would've thought, even five years ago, that Matthew McConaughey would "work" as a voice of sombre inspiration? I'm in love with this teaser, and not only because I'm SO onboard with the the idea that our semi-abandonment of space-exploration as a virtuous goal worth striving for being a goddamn disgrace - which seems to be the implicit them at play here, or at least one of them (it was also one of the dozen or so interesting thematic points raised but for no ultimately purpose in "MAN OF STEEL," so maybe this is a "thing" for these cats.)

Of note: The screenplay for this, by Johnathan Nolan, was originally developed with input/collaboration from Steven Spielberg for him (Spielberg) to direct. He bowed out, Christopher Nolan stepped in. So this is potentially sort of a reverse-"A.I." in as much as we've got a brilliant, anti-emotional, aesthetically-clinical grump taking over a Spielberg project as opposed to the reverse. That should be interesting...


Relax, it's fine.


Within Five Years, Every Movie Sony Makes Will Be a SPIDER-MAN Movie

Do I still talk about how great "THE AVENGERS" was too much? Probably - but even I'd be doing it a lot less if the success of that particular film (and the Marvel Cinematic Universe) wasn't hovering so much of current Hollywood business-dealing like an omnipresent specter. In the same way that "HARRY POTTER" sent everyone with money to spend in the movie business scrambling to lock down a kids/YA fantasy franchise of their own, the mad rush now is to set up multi-film/cross-genre "worldbuilding" movie brands - preferably using superheroes but not exclusively, since Universal has been making some noise about bringing back the Universal Monsters for a "seperate-films-followed-by-a-team-up" project of their own.

Other than Marvel/Disney, the guys in the best shape in this regard are Fox; who're holding onto the comfortably expansive "X-MEN" franchise strong and hoping that second time will be the charm for "FANTASTIC FOUR." Warner Bros is approximately one Martian Manhunter away from throwing up it's hands and saying "Fuck it! "MAN OF STEEL 2" is now "JUSTICE LEAGUE 1." And Sony? Poor Sony has only James Bond - whom they are obliged to treat gently - and Spider-Man... whom they are demonstrably content to ride hard, put away wet, pass around the yard and rent out to visiting foriegn business associates over the weekend.

The studio has already set up dates for three sequels  to "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN," one of which lands in just a few months. Meanwhile, they've invited five "superstar" writers - Alex Kurtzman (ew), Roberto Orci (eeeeeew), Jeff Pinker (eh), Drew Goddard (oh?) and Ed Solomon (didn't know he was still working) - to work out a "universe" built around the extended Spider-Man mythos. Currently on the docket: A solo "VENOM" feature (because I guess it must still be 1995 somewhere...) and a villain-centric "SINISTER SIX" movie (soooo... will they not be teaming up in the main series? What are these other three movies about, then?) The interesting name is Goddard, since he's also developing the "DAREDEVIL" project for Marvel's "DEFENDERS" run on Netflix.

I imagine the only reason no one is saying "BLACK CAT" yet is solely because they haven't bothered to write her into the movies yet, whereas Eddie "Venom" Brock is being namedropped in viral marketing already. After that, I look forward to seeing what kind of surefire masterpieces can be grown from fertile seeds like Man-Wolf, Rocket Racer, Prowler, Morbius: The Living Vampire (okay, that one could be good) or The Spider-Slingers. What a time to be alive.

EDGE OF TOMORROW trailer needs more Kill

"EDGE OF TOMORROW" is the hopelessly-generic, boring title given to this otherwise pretty damn good-looking Japanese light-novel adaptation in the belief that it's original moniker - "ALL YOU NEED IS KILL" - was just too damn awesome for the average audience to wrap it's brain around. Seriously, WTF? People would actually be talking about that title - "All You Need is KILL?' What is that? What does that even MEAN!??" They wouldn't be able to get it out of their heads. (And did no one suggest calling it "RESPAWN," which still sounds better and would "click" with it's intended audience?)

The premise is one of those "why didn't I think of that?" high-concepts: It's "GROUNDHOG DAY" meets "GEARS OF WAR." Tom Cruise is a green recruit in a war against alien invaders who gets killed in his first deployment... only to find himself somehow stuck in a "time loop" that causes him to wake up alive and well that same first-day of service every time he dies, able to use his gradually improving war skills and specific foreknowledge of what not to do to fight a bit better and progress a bit further each time. Emily Blunt's character (a fellow soldier who has become a wartime celebrity for having developed inexplicably superhuman combat skills "somehow") is called either "Full Metal Bitch" or "The Bitch of War" in translations of the original, which I assume won't be the case here.


"Bob, why won't you just stop talking about this movie based on stuff you're a huge fan of in an insanely popular genre in the medium that you make a living reporting on???"

GODZILLA Teaser... teases

I really like the way this opens. The rest? I can go either way - with apologies to every other genre filmmaker on the planet, Spielberg only makes the "scenes of people looking in lieu of content" thing look easy. It doesn't look anything like director Gareth Edwards "MONSTERS," which I hated, so I'm thankful for that. Big overhanging question remains: Apart from the big-name main star, what is this going to offer that "PACIFIC RIM" didn't already deliver ten times over?

Interesting just how much this looks/feels like the buildup to the previous 1998 remake, minus the self-aware 90s humor. It's odd that two attempts to re-do "GODZILLA" for the U.S. now have (seemingly) focused exclusively on repurposing the original, which is really the extreme outlier of the franchise in terms of tone and focus. There was a period in my life when "Originally, Godzilla was meant to be DARK and SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!" was a really vital, noteworthy thing I wanted the world to know. These days? I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be more pumped right now if this trailer (which does look good, don't get me wrong) featured a little less ominous portent and a little more giant-lobster punching.

We'll see.


The first teaser for The Wachowski's follow-up to "CLOUD ATLAS," which is alleged to be a more "conventional" (for The Wachowski's) sci-fi/space-opera narrative. Still closely-guarded story features Mila Kunis as a human woman targeted for assassination by an unknown-to-Earth interplanetary empire because she possesses a unique DNA signature that would allow her to usurp the current Queen of The Universe. She is protected by Channing Tatum, whose makeup and prosthetics are being downplayed by this trailer but is supposed to an albino human/wolf hybrid. Me, I want to know what's going on with the bulky winged-reptile guy at 1:29.

What In Hell Is NURSE 3D?

Why, hello there, new most favorite movie I haven't seen yet ever...

h/t BAD

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Trailer May Have Just Shown You ALL Of The Film's Teases For Part 3.

Seriosuly. I'm pretty sure I just saw the "To Be Continued in Part 3" in the trailer for Part 2.

Buzz on ASM2 is that it's another problematic production in terms of what was set out to be made versus what Sony now wants, and some of what I've seen/heard floating around in the ether is supported by this new trailer, in which Peter Parker continues to explore the shitty revised backstory nobody cared about from the first reboot. From the look/sound of things, Richard Parker was killed because he stumbled on Oscorp's nefarious plans to create boring, catch-all "unified" origins for uninspired versions of classic Spider-Man villains - THE FIENDS!!!

Short version (because I'm on my way to work) is that the film really was/is supposed to primarily be about Spider-Man versus Jamie Foxx's Electro, with worldbuilding subplots (and maybe a cliffhanger finale) laying track for an ambitious (in terms of scale) third movie that may or may not feature an Unpleasant Half-Dozen of some kind; but that Sony is hot to have more of that stuff in the forefront of the movie - or at least it's marketing. Apparently a lot of the "Oh shit, is that...??" stuff prominently on display here was actually written/shot to be late in the game reveals, background gags and possibly even post-credit easter-egg materials but is now being shown off to make it look like the main movie isn't just "Spider-Man versus Boring Robot & Hoodie Smurf."

I can't confirm any of that, but look at pretty-much all the stuff involving Oscorp's lab (like those SIX doors sliding open, or those two "appliances" in the background) and tell me you don't feel like you just saw most of this movie's version of Steve Rogers running out into present-day Times Square.

...Or Maybe Eclipso?

I'm a baaaaaad widdle boy...

New POMPEII Trailer Goes Big

Y'know what surprises me the most about Paul WS Anderson's upcoming disaster movie, other than that it took someone this long to make what is effectively "GLADIATOR" meets "TITANIC?" That they didn't call it something else to prevent the average American audience from thinking "Uh... hey, babe? Did we ever see 'POMPE I?"

AW13 Gift Guide

An easy to shop guide of the AW13 collection. We've also put a stocking filler edit together, all of which are small pieces that will easily fit into xmas stockings! See it here

Sign up to the newsletter for info on offers and promotions here
View the whole e-boutique here

Nails 2

Recent nail styles. 
I've become slightly obsessed with nail tape, I found it on ebay. It arrived in a range of colours including metallics :-) I bought these stacking rings from the Whistles store on King Street at Vogues Fashion Night Out in Manchester (get them here). I hate committing to one jewellery colour, just wear them all at the same time! Mixed metals are the best! The necklaces above are mostly from topshop and the little disk shape on a chain is from my new fave jewellery store Shop Dixi.


Tom Ford Jasmine Musk
Tom Ford lipstick 
Made Inya stacking rings here
Bellamack mini pouch bag here
Dior grande ball nail varnish 
Harrods metallic gold Ipad case (bought minutes before boarding a plane at Heathrow airport!) here

How I Style


Last month I was approached by lovely fashion journalist/columnist Tui Benjamin (@TuiBanjaminBT) about getting involved with her Style column. I've never done this type of thing before and felt the time was right to take the jump and just go for it!
So here I am, the only great difference is that I would no doubt shove a pair of tights on with this outfit as the weather has definitely dropped in temperature since these snaps were taken. The write up about my style featured in the Bolton News September 7th.

Zara skort, pink by victoria secret t-shirt, alexander wang leather biker vest, zara heels and the Caloundra portfolio clutch bag from my AW13 range

Tampan Tailor (2013)


Topan (Vino G Bastian), penjahit, baru saja kehilangan istrinya, kehilangan toko jahitnya dan nyaris kehilangan masa depan anaknya Bintang (Jefan Nathanio) yang dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena tidak ada lagi biaya.

Kembalinya Nenek Gayung (2013)


Brandon (Kevin Julio), aktor muda yang sedang naik daun dan sombong, melecehkan sosok Nenek Gayung. Sejak itu, Brandon mulai dihantui kehadiran Nenek Gayung. Dalam keadaan yang takut, Brandon datang pada Boim (Yadi Sembako) dan Abas (Joe Richard) yang pernah punya pengalaman menghadapi Nenek Gayung.

Pokun Roxy (2013)


Magrib di kawasan kampung Roxy, Talib kebelet kencing. Ia langsung berdiri di bawah pohon sengon. Mendadak sehelai kain putih mengenai wajahnya. Ketika mendongak, dilihatnya dua makhluk halus nangkring di atas pohon: pocong dan kuntilanak bergaun putih panjang. Talib ketakutan. Jeritannya menggema se-antero kampung.

Perawan Seberang 2013


Yulia Sumbukurung, anak Pangkalima Kumbang Jaya, salah satu ketua suku Dayak terkenal, ingin melanjutkan kuliah ke Jakarta. Ritual melepaskan kepergian Yulia: Pangkalima Kumbang Jaya memberikan sebuah kalung Penyang untuk melindungi Yulia dari segala kejahatan.

Potong Bebek Angsa (2012)

Sasha (Olivia Jensen), bersama kakaknya, Masen (Boy Wiliiam), serta sahabatnya, Otong (Ricky Harun) salah masuk pesta kostum. Masen, Otong dan Sasha larut dalam kemeriahan pesta, hingga mereka tak sadarkan diri. Esok paginya mereka terbangun dan terdampar di pantai entah di mana.

Kerasukan (2013)


Sehari setelah Andien, Didi, Vanilla dan Binar merayakan ulang tahun mereka, tiba-tiba Didi diputusin cowoknya, Calvin. Untuk menghibur, Andien, Vanilla dan Binar mengajak Didi liburan ke Pangandaran.

Cinta Brontosaurus (2013)

Dika (Raditya Dika), penulis, baru saja putus cinta dengan Nina (Pamela Bowie). Semenjak itu, dia percaya bahwa cinta bisa kadaluarsa. Kosasih (Soleh Solihun), agen naskah Dika, mencoba untuk membuat Dika yakin terhadap cinta kembali, seperti Kosasih dengan istrinya Wanda (Tyas Mirasih). Usaha ini, membawa Dika ke dalam serangkaian perkenalan absurd.

Laura & Marsha (2013)


Laura (Prisia Nasution), tak pernah berpikir untuk bepergian. Apalagi sejak ia menjadi orang tua tunggal untuk putri semata wayangnya. Marsha (Adinia Wirasti), sahabat Laura, penulis buku travelling belum pernah  ke Eropa. Keinginannya ke Eropa untuk mengenang kepergian ibundanya. Laura akhirnya mengiyakan permintaan Marsha ke Eropa meskipun tak sepenuh hati.

Rianna Phillips AW13 Press Event

Our AW13 press event took place at 2022NQ in the Northern Quarter, Manchester last Wednesday (16th Oct). What an immense crazy day it was! I had such a great time meeting press and bloggers and have been seeing all sorts of lovely blog posts appear via twitter and instagram, use #riannaphillips if you want me to pick up on it.

Check out the AW13 range here

Pics taken by:
 Rianna Phillips 
Steven Ramage 
Jessica Beardmore

AW13 Press Event

The date is set, the planning is in motion
Will you be there?

Northern Quarter
2022NQ Basement Gallery/Bar
20 Dale Street

Wednesday 16th October 

Sign up to receive more info here

London Fashion Week Lucia

The very stylish Lucia of fashion blog on day 2 of London Fashion Week
wearing her Rianna Phillips Cambio portfolio clutch bag. This size has sold out but the mini pouch bag size is still available at the e-boutique here

She wears:
 Topshop skirt | American Apparel top | Primark chain, blazer and shoes | Rianna Phillips clutch

LFW - streetstyle day 5

The best type of research I've ever collected is that of London Fashion Week street style. The consumer I design for is out in force wandering around the cobbles of Somerset house. 
I love to sit at the seating just outside of Fernandez & Wells (extremely tasty little cafe in the grounds . . . . all us fashionista's need regular cups of tea!) and spot the mix of diverse fashion.

My Caloundra print portfolio clutch was the best accessory, keeping my Ipad, phone and Mulberry Mitzy pouch safe and snug. Photographed in the last pic. 

Our outfits
I wore my trust Alexander Wang leather biker vest, Topshop black skinny Leigh jeans (here), Whistles Feminin sweat top, Office knee high boots, my own design portfolio clutch bag (here), Mulberry mitzy pouch (similar here)

I went to London fashion week with bezzie mate Kate. Check out her blog here.
She wore
Burberry trench coat, Whistles top (here), Whistles necklace (here), Topshop boots. The bag was actually her mums from school. It was used for music lessons 50 years ago and now Kate uses it. How cool is that!